Wirtshausführer Weinwirt 2018

09.10.2017 13:42

The "Wirtshausführer Austria" awarded the Gasthof Schopper in the category "Weinwirt 2018".
We are very proud for receiving the award, and we are happy that our love for delicious food and good wine is no secret and easy to see.


In the picture f.l.t.r.: Wirtshausführer Weinwirt 2018 Tirol: Renate Wagner-Wittula (Wirtshausführer), Bernhard Kammerlander, Wirtshausführer Weinwirt 2018 Tirol, Schopper, Klaus Egle (Wirtshausführer) und Stv. der Landeshauptfrau NÖ Dr. Stephan Pernkopf. Rights: GOURmedia/APA-Fotoservice/Hörmandinger

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